Illinois Photographers ‘82
About the Exhibition
A traveling exhibition organized by the Illinois State Museum, Springfield, Illinois; photographs by John Alderson, Linda Ansay, Janice Bell, Lynne Brown, Don A. Dubroff, Samuel Edwards, Christopher English, Samuel Fein, Gretchen Garner, Jim Goodell, Ron Gordon, John Grady, John Kimmich, Gary P. Kolb, Duchma, Peter Lekousis, Dan Lobbes, Mati Maldre, Rhondal McKinney, Philip Melnick, Kevin O. Mooney, Scott D. Munro, Tom Petrillo, Duane Powell, Lynn Sloan-Theodore, Luther Smith, Lynn S. Swigart, Joe Tomek, Bernadette Tomko, and Jeffery D. Trilling.