Considering Beauty in Photography
About the Exhibition
Permanent Collection photographs by Ansel Adams, Harold Allen, David Avison, Marsha Burns, Harry Callahan, Barbara Crane, Bruce Davidson, Jed Devine, Steven Foster, Gretchen Garner, Tom Goodman, John Grady, Joseph Jachna, Wayne Lazorik, Michael Levine, John McWilliams, Roger Mertin, Nicholas Nixon, Kenda North, Mary Peck, Tom Petrillo, Elliot Porter, Leland Rice, Michael Rubin, Steve Saunders, Diana Schoenfeld, Michael Smith, Robert Stiegler, Paul Strand, Neal Swanson, Charles Swedlund, Bob Thall, Jerry N. Uelsmann, Roger Vail, Brett Weston, Minor White, and Don Worth.